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Thoughts & Inspiration

Thank You

Sometimes the simple phrase “Thank You” doesn’t seem to be enough to show my gratitude for all the support and love I have received through this journey. Yet these are the only words I can find. So, with much love…

Be. Go. Do.

Seven days have past since I stepped off the plane that brought me back to America. Seven days to begin wrapping my mind around all that happened during the past nine months. Many times this week I have had to…

On My Way

  “There are so many ways to be brave in this world. Sometimes bravery involves laying down your life for something bigger than yourself, or for someone else. Sometimes it involves giving up everything you have ever loved for the…

Forty Days of Writing

  The Lord is so good! There’s no other way to put it. Upon arrival in Botswana The Lord asked me to journal through the coming months. At the time I didn’t understand why The Lord was asking me to…

“Am I Enough?”

“Am I enough?” He asked. His words still echoed in my head though it had been six days since He spoke them. That same day He also said, “Give everything in ministry.” At the time I didn’t know the events…


  I’ve spent the past couple of weeks trying to find the right words to truly explain to everyone back in the States what it is that I’m doing here in Honduras.  I’ve tried writing/blogging in the early mornings I…